BriefLink - Private, Trackable, Fundraising Deck Links

The Best Way to Communicate Your Business to Top VCs

BriefLink is a fundraising pitch tool for Founders. Get the meeting. Make it count.

How BriefLink Works

1. Upload your deck

1. Upload your deck

2. Email the link

2. Email the link

3. Track & iterate

Choose Your Format

Deck + Data

Deck + Data

Deck Only

Deck Only

What Founders Love

Vetted Structure

Vetted Structure

Briefs follow the exact format for how VCs review your startup before taking a meeting.

Track Opens & Engagement

Track Opens & Engagement

See who's interested with Brief analytics like view counts and read receipts.

Top VC Advice

Top VC Advice

Inline videos help to frame your startup's messaging and metrics.


Important Privacy Reminder

Access to your Briefs are protected by email and can be disabled at any time.